Through regression – you are going back to the time when you formed the belief or created that mindset – we then get to the root cause of your problems.
Once this cause is revealed, the belief is ready to be transformed to the desired belief.
Example: Someone has a fear of flying.
Feels trapped and helpless on the plane and panics at the thought. The client feels like he is in a coffin. Through regression we find out that the client was locked in a closet by the older brother. The client had no control, was helpless to the situation.
This feeling of helplessness is attached to small and closed rooms and anchored in the subconscious mind – and panic understandably rises at the thought of the plane, despite any statistics or logical reason you could show the person.
The Rule of the Mind:
Our mind is mainly focused on keeping us alive as long as possible. The fear of flying is therefore life-threatening. Emotions will always have the upper hand over factual truths.
Using different techniques, we first go back to the root cause of the problem. Empowering that helpless child in the closet. This is where the transformation begins.
Afterwards we then work together to connect flying with freedom and the joy that it brings to see the world and to be free. Here, too, I use of the Rules of the Mind that the subconscious reacts to emotions.